Natural Healing: Garlic Lemonade

  1. Put minced garlic and lemon in quart glass jar (like a canning jar), plus ginger if using.
  2. Add boiled water to jar and stir.
  3. Cover and let steep until cool enough to drink, typically 20-30 minutes.
  4. Add honey to jar or into mug and fill with garlic lemonade. Drink lots!
  5. You can reuse the garlic and lemons for a second batch of Garlic Lemonade, but the garlic loses its potency after second use.
  6. Savory variation: substitute bone broth or veggie stock for boiled water and honey.
  7. Spicy variation: add a few slices of fresh ginger, a cinnamon stick, a few cardamon pods, and a pinch of crushed red pepper (or just add one or two of these!)

Additional Notes

Usually children drink 2 cups per day, but adults can drink 4 cups per day while feeling “under the weather.” I often eat the lemons and bits of garlic too. As always, please consult your midwife, primary health care provider or children’s pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns regarding your individual health issues.

Credit: birthstream